Sleep Apnea and Oral Care

Sleep apnea is so common, and many people who suffer from it don't even know they have it. 

But what is Sleep Apnea? 

According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, Sleep Apnea is a sleeping disorder that causes repeated breathing interruptions. These interruptions are caused by tissue collapses of the airway due to weak airway muscles, a large tongue, being overweight, or other risk factors, that prevent oxygen from reaching the lungs. Sleep Apnea affects about 25 million American adults.

But what does Sleep Apnea have to do with your teeth and oral health? 

Well, getting a good night's sleep keeps you healthy, and being healthy reduces your chances of developing bad breath, mouth ulcers, and gum disease. Some of the most common signs of sleep apnea are excessive daytime sleeping, insomnia, snoring, and mouth breathing.  

Here at Downtown Dental, we can help patients who suffer from moderate cases of Sleep Apnea alleviate their symptoms and sleep better with a custom-made adjustable nighttime appliance. Give us a call to schedule your consultation if you suffer or suspect you suffer from Sleep Apnea.


May is National Dental Care Month!


National Children’s Dental Health Month