Holiday Season Dental Care

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year! 

No matter what holiday you celebrate during this time – Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Yule, or even Festivus, we want to be sure you stay safe, enjoy your family and friends, and have the best dental care.

We know, we know. We're always on you about brushing and flossing, but we know how important it is. And just because we hit vacation mode on our emails, phones, and even our minds, be sure you don't hit the out-of-office on your dental care. 

Here are a few things you can do, or steer clear of, for better dental care during the busy holiday season.

12 Days of Holiday Dental Care

  1.  Say no to candy canes – Sure they are tasty and always available during the holidays, but hard candy can crack your teeth if you bite down wrong. If you just can't contain yourself and need a little taste of that peppermint goodness, let them dissolve in your mouth to prevent any chipping, limit yourself on the amount you consume, and be sure to brush thoroughly after eating any candy.

  2. Steer clear of soda – It's an easy and convenient choice during holiday dinners, but sodas are packed with sugar, and that's never good for your teeth. If you want something fizzy and bubbly, we suggest club soda or mineral water. If nothing else is available and delicious, and refreshing water just won't cut it, be sure you use a straw to keep most of the acid off your teeth.

  3. Limit the wine – Ok ok, don't hate us. We all want to enjoy a glass or two during the holiday season, just keep in mind that red wine can stain your teeth. White wine might be a better choice to keep your pearly whites nice and bright. If you do drink red wine, be sure it's with food, and be sure to brush afterward.

  4. More turkey please – Turkey is great for your teeth because it's a great source of protein and phosphorus which both help your body fight tooth decay and keep your teeth healthy and strong.

  5. Better stocking stuffers – If you like to fill stockings for yourself and your loved ones, be sure to eliminate any sugary treats. Let's not give each other cavities for Christmas. Consider giving puzzles, essential oils, socks, a new mask, or even a cool, new toothbrush.

  6. Eat your veggies – Best to skip the cookie trays and instead fill your plate with veggies like broccoli and carrots. These are great for your teeth and are loaded with Vitamin A, which is essential for enamel strength.

  7. Let's get cheesy – If drinking alcohol, be sure to have it with cheese. Cheese helps neutralize the acid in booze. The calcium in cheese is also a dental plus!

  8. Hum a Christmas carol while you brush your teeth – Optimal tooth brushing is at least two minutes. Hum a few verses of your favorite holiday song while you brush, and you’re likely to brush long enough. Don't forget your tongue too.

  9. Your teeth are not an opening tool – Do not, we repeat, do not open packages, presents, or cut tape and ribbons with your teeth. Using your teeth will most likely cause chips and breaks.

  10. Fruit and fun – Want something sweet? Fruit is your friend. Be sure to have lots of fruit around to satisfy your sweet tooth.

  11. Don't graze all day – Holidays are filled with feasts and food spreads available all day. Grazing all day can put your teeth at greater risk for decay, so only put out food at mealtimes and stash food away when done.

  12.  Make these holidays one to remember – Don't focus on the food. Instead, focus on experiences with your loved ones. Set up activities like board games, card games, crafts, and projects, or holiday movie marathons.

Our team at Downtown Dental wants you to have a happy and safe holiday season. We wish you good health, happiness, and success in the coming year.

We're available now and for the upcoming year for all your dental care needs – dental exams, x-rays, cleanings, cosmetic dentistry, dental restoration, and much much more! 


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