Be Thankful for Healthy Teeth

Thanksgiving is here. Doesn't it feel like it just happened? This year might be a little different, but we're still happy to celebrate gratitude. Thanksgiving Day serves as a reminder to be grateful for all that we have in our lives. We are so thankful for our health, family, friends, co-workers, and of course, our patients.

This Thanksgiving, we'd like to encourage you to be thankful for one more thing... your teeth! It may sound a little silly to give thanks for those pearly whites, but hear us out.

Even though we specialize in cosmetic dentistry, healthy teeth are important to us and we'd like to share four reasons why we think you should be thankful for your teeth as much as we are: 

Healthy Teeth Can Be One of Our Best Features

Your smile is one of the first things someone notices about you. Beautiful smiles boost our confidence and mood and help us feel beautiful.

Teeth Help Us Communicate

We need teeth to help us speak. Without them, some letters can be difficult to pronounce. Certain letters and sounds, such as “f,” “v,” “s,” and “th,” depend on our teeth. 

Healthy Teeth Help Us Enjoy All of the Delicious Thanksgiving Meals

Teeth help us break down foods into more manageable sized pieces which makes swallowing much easier. Each type of tooth has a different purpose. For example, incisors, the front four teeth on the top and the front four on the bottom help us bite bits of food, while molars and premolars are made for mashing and chewing food.

Teeth Improve Digestion

As we chew our food, our saliva production increases and helps break down food. Saliva contains enzymes that kick-start digestion. So, if we can't chew well, we can’t properly digest our food. 

Throughout the year, Downtown Dental does its best to help our patients improve their oral health by posting helpful information and recommendations for home dental care. Please continue to maintain proper oral hygiene through regular brushing and flossing. And don't forget to schedule your dental check-ups and cleanings. Frequent dental hygiene appointments with our hygienist will keep teeth healthy. Prevention and maintenance is the key to healthy teeth. 

If you need more extensive dental care like cosmetic dentistry, dental restorations, and/or dental implants, we can help with that too! 


Holiday Season Dental Care


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