Summer Dental Care

As we roll into the summer months, it's important to stay on track when it comes to your dental routine. Vacations and lack of routine can throw us off track. 

Here are a few ways to prevent summertime tooth decay and injuries and keep your pearly whites shining like the sun! 

Stay on a routine, and don't forget to pack your dental tools. No matter where you're traveling, be sure you're brushing twice a day and flossing. 

Keep sugary drinks and snacks to a minimum. We're tempted to go off the rails during our vacation. This summer, opt for snacking smarter and healthier. Choose fresh fruits over candies and cakes and drink water instead of sodas and juices. Don't forget your reusable straw! Drinking with a straw limits the contact any sugary beverage has with your teeth. 

  • We know it gets hot these months, but it's best to avoid the temptation to chomp on ice chips that can lead to cracked or chipped teeth.

  • Always be aware of wet surfaces at pools and on decks, and wear a mouthguard during summer sports to avoid falls or injuries that can damage teeth.

  • Schedule your summer dental visit! If it's been more than six months, it's time to see us again. Get in early so you get it checked off your list and are free to enjoy the summer without interruptions.

Give us a call at (908) 873-6691 to schedule your next visit. 


Fall Foods That Are Great For Your Teeth


May is National Dental Care Month!